Synagogue and sisterhood news
Synagogue News
Something to Kvell About..........
Congratulations to Binnie and David Antolowitz on the recent birth of a granddaughter Keira Zoey, daughter of Brian and Leah Tischler.
Sisterhood News
The Sisterhood will once again provide the refreshments for Rosh Hashanah. As is our custom, we will be sponsoring a lunch to be held on the First Day of Rosh Hashanah. Everyone is invited to remain behind to wish each a Healthy and Happy New Year. Please remember, if you are interested in purchasing round Challah for your holiday table, fill out the form found in this bulletin and return it to the synagogue office.
On Saturday, October 19th a Sisterhood Sukkot Luncheon will be served following the Shabbat and Holiday service. Services begin at 10 am. If weather permits, the luncheon will be held in the Community Sukkah, otherwise, it will be indoors. Hope to see you there.
Many thanks to the following members for sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat Reception for the month of August:
Joe Teiger in memory of Hetty Teiger
Joan Niessingh in memory of Christiaan Cornelis Niessingh