Passover Community Seder

             Passover Community Seder


This year, our Passover Seder, will be prerecorded and will be available on our synagogue website for those that would like to follow along with Rabbi Fried.  This will allow everyone to have a Seder leader at any time that is convenient for participants to get together.  The First Seder will occur on the evening of Saturday, March 27th and the Second Seder will occur on the evening of Sunday, March 28th.  Haggadahs are available at the synagogue office, if needed.


A Seder meal can include the following:

...Gefilte Fish and Horseradish

...Chicken Soup and Matzah Balls

...Roast Chicken / Brisket

...Potatoes and Carrots


...Wine and Matzah

                    Happy Passover to Everyone!